Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Scrappy Time!

am having a lot of trouble with my knee. It gets fluid buildup when I am active and walk on it for a long periods of time. So, I've had quite a bit of time to sit down and actually do work on some projects! Thank God for "super happy scrapper" & for her tutorials, they've gotten me through this hard time of having to be sedentary. If you haven't heard of her, go check out her YouTube channel. She is so creative and so wonderful at explaining how she makes her very interesting, different, and fabulous mini albums. Here are some of the projects that I've been working on/completed in the past month. I hope you like them. 
This is a wallet that I made from a video tutorial by "superhappyscrapper" on YouTube. She is phenominal and seriously, if you haven't checked out her tutorials, check them out!! They are easy to follow and quite thorough! I made this to go in the wedding album I am making for my baby cousin. The album itself was inspired by another one of "superhappyscrapper "'s tutoris (the graduation album). I have put my own spin on it but I got the idea from her. Here are some parts that I have done in the wedding "not so mini".
This is the groomsmen page that I made the wallet to go into as well. I got the tuxedo idea from Laura Denison from "Following the Paper Trail". Can't say enough good stuff about her! What a creative genius! Love her and wish I could find more of her tutorials. She is on ustream but I mostly check out the tutorials on YouTube because it's just easier for me. 
This is another page from the wedding not so mini album. This is a work in progress and a fun album to make. 

Another one that I've done is 
An 8x8 "Mother Goose" by graphic45 album that I designed myself. Here are some of the pages and parts that I made. I ran out of paper so I have to get some more to be able to finish it. 

So those are a few of my projects. I am going out craft shopping today to see what deals I can score and then going home to do some more scrapping!! 



My score from Tuesday Morning, Dollar Tree and Michael's!!! Not pictured are the 3 packs of cardstock I got at Michael's.

Woot woot!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

I finished a project!

I finally finished the mini album I made for my daughter's 5th birthday party. We had a horseback riding party at a stable in town. I just wanted to show a little bit of how you really can use these beautiful mini books, 
The front 
1st page with a pocket with some info from the stable. 
A page and an insert. 
Insert in the small pockets
A little card I attached and wrote in for my baby girl. 

A few more pages and inserts.  

I hope you enjoyed my little book and feel led to make one or order yours today! 


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Playing Catch Up (again)

So I've had a ton going on and haven't taken a chance to post. I'm just gonna post pictures today of my newer albums and then go through each of them on separate posts. 

There are more but I think I'll start with these. Follow up posts to come on each album.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Moving Day

Last night, I did the walk through of the new house - atrocious. It was cleaned last night so I am ready to go over there and see what it looks (and smells) like. Ready to get it started in here! Gotta see if I'm gonna make a great big craft room!!!
Let's do this!!!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Catching up

Been off the radar for a little while taking care of some personal bidness. So much has been going on, along with my little girl turning 5 in early Jan and my baby boy turns 3 this Sunday. 
I'm so glad to get back to crafting and my mini albums. I've got so many new albums to share! Can't wait! I'll post pics after the munchkins go to bed.